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Is Avita Laptop Service Good? Should We Buy From Avita?

Avita laptop service

Introducing itself on 16th October 2020, Avita is making a name for itself in the Laptop market. Avita has established itself in the market as a cost-leadership laptop brand. They are offering compelling specs in their laptop for a great price. Their pricing is what makes them a competitive brand in the market. But is Avita laptop service good?

Avita is a relatively new brand in the laptop market. It has been only two years since the brand launched. It is not easy to say you can trust a new brand. But here we are to answer whether Avita’s laptop is good or not. So let us start our discussion.

Avita Laptop, the best in the budget category

Avita laptops are conquering the market with their pricing. You can get relatively better specs in the Avita laptops for less money than what the other brands offer. The price differences between Avit laptops and other brands’ laptops of the exact specification are huge. For some laptops, this difference can hit over 10K. As for a regular buyer of laptops, this price difference can play a significant role.

The biggest strength of Avita laptops is their price. But are the Avita laptops good with their performance and services? It is challenging to answer.

We can say this, not every Avita laptop is good and worth buying. But the same can be said for all other trusted laptop brands in the market. The good Avita laptops live up to their hype. They deliver good performance and do their job right.

For example, the Avita Essential stands out as one of the best student laptops that can be relied on for web browsing and media consumption. On the other hand, the Avita Liber V14 and the Avita Liber NS14A are good laptops for light gaming and heavy office tasks.

All of them are designed in a lightweight and portable manner. They are super user-friendly and super affordable.

The downsides of Avita Laptop, Horrible servicing

Not everything about the Avita Laptops is as good as their price. There are some downsides to the Avita laptops. The most disturbing one about the Avita Laptops is their horrible servicing. Unlike other servicing, where you know when the servicing will be done, only Avita knows when their laptop servicing will be done. It is a very stressful matter because all laptops require regular servicing. So far now, the servicing center of Avita is not doing very well with its service delivery. Avita may work on fixing this matter in the future.

Because of this poor servicing facility, we cannot be sure of the reliability of the Avita laptops. This lack of reliability may cause Avita a great loss in the Laptop market.

Speaking of laptop reliability, the battery life of Avita laptops is not up to the standards. Many good Avita laptops, like the laptops from the Avita Liber series, are falling flat with their battery capacity. The pricing of the Avita laptop can be used to justify the poor battery performance. But the battery life plays a significant part in a laptop’s reliability. Thus we will list it as one poor side of the Avita Laptop.

So overall, the Avita Laptop’s weakness is poor servicing, reliability, and battery life.

Avita Laptop’s Strength And Weaknesses

Affordable PricingPoor Servicing
Compelling SpecificationsQuestionable reliability
User-friendly and attractive designPoor and Mediocre battery life

Is Avita Laptop Service Good?

So now come to the question we have in our minds. Is Avita laptop service good? Should we buy an Avita Laptop, or is it better to buy from other brands at a higher price?

If we take a look at the strengths of Avita Laptop, they are of affordable price with compelling graphics. Some specifications rival top brands, but Avita is offering them at a lower price.

Against all the strengths of Avita, laptops come their weakness of poor servicing, reliability, and battery life. The battery life of Avita laptops, especially the Liber series, falls short compared to their specification.

What hurts the most is the poor servicing of Avita laptops. The official servicing center of Avita is not doing so great for customer servicing.

So if we consider all these factors, the Avita laptops are not great with their service. So if you can spend more, it is best to avoid Avita laptops for now. We would recommend you skip Avita until their servicing and reliability improves in the future.

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Is Avita laptop good? Should You Buy Avita Laptop? Avita Laptop Review

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