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Battery Replacement for iPhone: Will It Speed Up My Phone?

iPhones are one of the most efficient and highly performing smartphone devices globally. But as time moves on, even the best phones start to become a shadow of their previous performances. And it is also true for iPhones.
But this doesn’t mean you will need to change your whole phone to enjoy a faster experience. You need to replace the current iPhone Battery, and you will be able to experience your iPhone performing faster than ever.

And in this article, we will break down why it happens and whether or not it will be a good decision for you. So, without any more delay, let’s take a look at why replacing your current battery will enhance the performance of your iPhone.

Why Do iPhones Slow Down Over Time?

To understand why you will get better performance by changing the iPhone’s battery, you will need to understand why mobile phone batteries’ performance starts to degrade over time.

The main reason behind this is quite simple. Because the hardware starts to become older while the software and technologies only become newer and better, and at some point, the hardware just can’t take the load of the software’s requirements which leads to you experiencing slow reactions from your iPhone.

In this scenario, the battery plays the biggest role. Lithium-ion batteries will lose their chemical power as the years pass on. The battery that used to provide optimal performance for twelve hours now can only do eight hours or less.
As their powers fade, the batteries also can’t keep the iPhone optimal, and you start to face slow reactions on your phone. You can take measures to maintain the battery’s health alive for a few more years, but eventually, you will face these issues.

When the iPhone’s battery starts to lose its power, you will also encounter some issues along with the slow interface. This varies from model to model, but you will have to deal with sudden shutdowns and restarts.

This is a strain on the phone because the iPhone battery is trying to pull software that it isn’t capable of executing.

How Replacing iPhone’s Battery Helps

So, how does replacing the battery help in this case? When you replace the battery of your iPhone, you are adding a completely new, more advanced battery model than your previous one. This one has more juice and is more comfortable handling the latest software and features.

So, it will do a couple of things for your iPhone:

  • Battery life will increase
  • The charge consumption rate of the iPhone will decrease
  • The speed of the iPhone will drastically increase
  • The overall functionality will become a lot smoother

Keep in mind that while you will be enjoying all of these effects, your iPhone won’t be as fast as when you first bought it. And the effects will decline over time, but this way, you will prolong the life of your device for much longer, and that’s what this is all about.

When Should You Replace Your iPhone’s Battery?

So, when is the right time to switch to a new battery for your iPhone? Well, it depends on how bad the situation has gotten. If you are comfortable with your phone being a bit slow, then it is not the time, but if it has started to decline drastically, you should change it as soon as possible.

The best way to find out whether you should change your iPhone’s battery or not is by doing a few benchmarks. You can use free apps in the apple store. But high-quality benchmark apps come with a price tag.

But if you are going to stick will apple for the long run, spending a few bucks on it is worth the purchase.
Once you have decided on the benchmarking or testing software, run your tests and compare the results with your iPhone’s original stats. You will find the official benchmark numbers on apple’s official website. Otherwise, you can visit YouTube to see live-action results too.

The benchmark result that will matter the most is the processor’s results because a declining battery has a worse effect on the processor when it comes to iPhones.

So, if you find that the results have a drastic difference, then it is time to switch the battery of your iPhone.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it. You change the iPhone’s battery to improve your iPhone slowing down over time.
Now, while your performance may not be on par with the latest model, you will still be able to run the applications smoothly if you replace the battery of your iPhone. And the success rate speaks for itself. So, you don’t have to worry about taking a risk.

Therefore, try Changning the Battery of your iPhone first before you plan on replacing the phone itself. Best of luck!

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How to Find a Reliable Mobile Phone Repair Service Near You

If your mobile phone batteries are depleted, and you’re in need of battery replacement, the safest route to take is the official repair service. But in case your schedule doesn’t line up with that’s, the second-best option is to pick a third-party repairing route for high-quality service. Getting professionals involved also means there will be less chance of physical damage to your phone’s inner components. But how can you find a trusty repair service? Read more below to know.

Finding a reliable repair service for your phone

The first question coming to your mind is probably, “how can I find a good repair shop?” You have two ways of doing that. You can ask similar device users for their recommendations or look them up on the internet.

Phone repair services vary depending on what device you’re using. Apple and Samsung both usually have their repair services (Apple store) listed. You can also specifically search for your nearest repair shop, like “Melbourne CBD phone repair service,” and you’ll get a list of shops to check out.

The next step is finding a reliable shop. But how can you be sure of that? Here are things you should consider when you’re choosing your repair service.

  • Customer review

Reviews are the easiest way of knowing how good service really is because they come from first-hand people who have experienced their service. If the reviews don’t look too bright, chances are their service won’t be good either, so make sure to check the reviews before anything else.

  • Service warranty

A credible shop will offer you a service guarantee of 6-12 months. This means if you face any problem with the repaired part, they will fix it for free. Most service shops offer a warranty because it indicates their confidence in their service. If the shop isn’t offering any warranty, it is better not to pick that one because their success rate wouldn’t be very high.

  • Device experts

Different device repair works in different ways. Your iPhone 12 and Samsung Galaxy won’t have the same build, so a shop should have different experts. If a shop doesn’t specialize in repairing your device or anything like it, then there is no point in looking further.
Smartphones get frequent updates so just having an expert isn’t enough. When looking for a repair shop, ask them if they are up to date with the recent upgrades and if they have experience repairing similar devices. Having experience in repairing similar devices isn’t always necessary but make sure the technicians are familiar with newer upgrades.

  • Repair parts

This is extremely important, especially for Apple products. An Apple authorized service uses original parts supplied by Apple themselves, so there is less chance of your phone acting up later, but most of the third-party repair services are unauthorized. Many of them use cheap and low-quality replacement parts when repairing a phone that stops performing well after a while. So another thing you need to make sure of is that the repair service is using genuine, authentic products as replacements.
OEM quality is another important indicator. If the repair service can’t convince you that they use OEM quality parts as replacements, then don’t take risks and look for a different service.

  • Diagnosis

The service you choose should be transparent with their diagnoses and let you know why your phone is acting the way it is. They should also explain why they think their approach is the best one. Sometimes your device performance can drop because of minor issues that don’t need complex replacements. This way, you’ll know exactly what they’re doing and why, so if the repair shop isn’t transparent with their diagnoses, it is better to avoid them.

  • Return time and service cost

Let’s be honest; our phones are necessities for us at this point. Giving your phone to a repair service means you’ll be without your phone until they return it when they’re done. Since it is hard to go on without your phone, you should consider the repair service’s return time. The sooner you can get your device back, the better.
Another factor to consider is the service cost. Official repair services charge high because of the high-quality service and their use of original replacement parts. Unless your repair shop checks off all the boxes and can guarantee good service, the price shouldn’t be very high. So compare the service cost between multiple stores and see what works best for you.

Picking a reliable phone repair service can be a little time-consuming, but that’s something you’ll have to do to find the best service possible for your phone. Take your time and make sure the service meets all your needs and make sure to leave reviews after you go through with them so it can help more people.

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Essential Phone Security

Essential Phone Security

We always look for a phone with an LED screen and a stunning camera. But one of the most crucial features we always ignore is the phone’s security. If a phone is not secured enough, then all the other features will go in vain.

Your phone holds all of your personal information. In the gallery, there are thousands of photos of you and your friends and family. Also, your phone contains your bank account and email address. If somehow it falls into the wrong hands, it can jeopardize everything. That’s why you need to secure your phone.

Tips You Should Know to Increase Your Phone Security

When was the last time you cared for your phone’s security? We use our phones all day but never actually give a thought to securing the data. There are some tiny steps that you can take that can make quite a difference. So, here are the tips you should know to increase your phone security.

Google Play Protect

Google Play Protect is a great security measure that you can take. What it does is that it shows you if there are any harmful apps stored in your phone or not. There are millions of applications nowadays. Some of them are useful, while others have malicious intentions. Google Play Protect identifies these kinds of harmful apps and protects your phone from them. 

When you go to the settings option, you will notice there are two options. The first option is the scan option which scans your phone to inform you about the harmful apps. 

The second option is sharing some of your information so that Google can improve its app detection system. You should think of turning at least the scan option on. Otherwise, you will need a smartphone repair.

Enabling a Two-factor Authentication System

Your email and password aren’t enough to protect you. If you turn on the news, you will see that thousands of servers are getting hacked. Modern-day hackers have taken such approaches that your password won’t be able to stop them anymore. So what to do? That’s why you should enable the two-factor authentication system on your account. People can quickly get their hands on your email address. From there, guessing the password isn’t that hard. But when the two-factor authentication system is on, they can’t do anything even if they have your password and email. The system will require them to prove their identity by giving the pin code sent to your phone number. This tip will secure all your accounts and save you from getting a mobile repair.

Downloading from Trusted Stores

While using your phone, you will often notice popups from different apps that tell you to download from them. Never click on those notifications. Most of the time, they are scams and trying to get your personal information.

Always download apps from genuine and trusted stores like google Apps or apple play store. You can get a good idea about the app by reading the reviews. Also, try to read the apps’ privacy policy to check what features they will have access to. 

Backing Up Your Data

Imagine a situation. You have a project submission the next day. You have worked hard for the entire month to get the project ready. All the data, tables, and charts are on your phone. You are confident that you will present your project to your team.

But the next day, when you wake up, you notice that all the files are gone. There is nothing left. How horrible you must feel. All the hard work just goes to waste.

That’s why you should always backup your data. Unfortunate events can occur at any time. Your phone’s data can get compromised or, worse, get removed entirely. When you have a backup, you can quickly restore your precious data. Backing up your data will protect your information and prevent you from getting a mobile repair. 

Secure Lock Settings

This setting controls how your phone reacts when you try to unlock it. If someone gets hold of your phone, they will try to access it by putting the wrong password. When someone tries to brute force like this, these settings will help you secure your phone. 

When you go to the secure lock settings, you will see a bunch of options. Each of them is important, and experts suggest enabling them all. But one option that you must turn on is the auto factory reset. This screen repair option will automatically reset and delete all your phone’s data when someone enters an incorrect password too many times. Therefore, they can’t do anything with your phone.

App Permissions

When you go to your settings, you will see an option called applications. There you will be able to find the application manager. This application manager gives you a list of things that different applications have access to.

You can see what apps have access to your camera and gallery and what apps don’t. What you can do is limit the access of apps that you don’t want to give permissions. It’ll make your phone work much faster and protect your phone from harmful apps.

What to Do When Your Phone Gets Compromised?

The first thing you can do is reset your phone. Try to change the password so that your personal information doesn’t get jeopardized. But if this doesn’t work, you have to take your phone for a mobile repair or screen repair.

Final Thoughts

Your phone’s security should always be your number one priority. All your information dwells on your phone. In this modern era, hackers are becoming more and more troublesome. They are easily getting access to people’s phones. That’s why you need to step up your game. When you follow the security tips, no one will be able to access your data. 

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Why should You Avoid the Temptation to Replace Your iPhone’s Battery

Avoid the Temptation to Replace Your iPhone's Battery

iPhone. One of the best things that science has provided to the world. Surely the iPhones are packed with the latest piece of modern technology embedded inside. You have got the best chipsets, the best camera, and other necessities.

Unlike all of the equipment inside the iPhone, the battery is a little different. It degrades over time and limits your ability to go throughout the day with your phone.

Of course, you can replace the battery when it becomes unusable, but you should control your temptation of doing that.

We are going to talk about the drawbacks of replacing a battery and also the proper procedure of replacing an iPhone battery. Let us begin.

Reasons why you should avoid replacing iPhone battery

There are a lot of reasons why you should avoid replacing a battery in an iPhone. Not only does it involve a lot of risk and complications in the process, but it may also create some problems for your phone in the future that you will not like. Moreover, the creator of iPhones, Apple, is against unauthorized iPhone battery replacement.

Let us talk about the risks of iPhone battery replacement.

Damaging internals

The first risk comes with damaging the internals. As you may have experienced, Apple iPhones are the most powerful smartphones in the market, but they need to be handled with care. Any miscarriage of the phone can damage it totally.

When repairing the phone, you need to take off the display first which requires you to heat it. This may burn the display pixels in some cases. The new iPhones have a really fragile display and earpiece wire. That can easily break when you are removing the display for repairs.

Breaking one of these wires can cost you spending more money on repairs.

Exploding lithium-ion batteries

Apple iPhones run on Lithium-in batteries. Pretty much every smartphone nowadays runs on the same type of battery. These types of batteries are known to catch fire and explode in some extreme cases.

When replacing a battery, you may replace it with an unofficial one without the Apple warranty. Those types of batteries may explode. So there is a risk of losing your entire iPhone, and injuring your hand if you replace its battery with an unofficial battery.

This is one of the main reasons why Apple is getting strict with its anti-repairing policies for unauthorized repairs.

No battery health

You may have heard about Apple promoting customers to not use unauthorized repair for their iPhones. Well, Apple took it one step further by tempering with their battery health programming.

If you replace an iPhone battery with an unauthorized repairman, the phone will no longer be able to display battery health.

Even if you replace it with an official Apple iPhone battery with the Apple warranty, it would not work.

Moreover, there will be a notification saying that something is wrong with your battery.

This can be bypassed if you repair it from an official Apple outlet.

No waterproofing

The very first step of replacing your iPhone battery is to open the phone physically to access the battery.

This involves heating and melting the glue that was holding your phone together. This glue sealing is also responsible for making your phone waterproof. So, taking this seal out means no waterproofing.

While it is true that the repairman will put the screen back with glue sealing, it won’t be as strong as it was with the factory glue sealing. So there is always a chance of your phone losing its waterproof rating.

Apple’s anti-repairing history their products

We have seen all the risks of replacing a battery and why you should control your temptation of replacing it. But everyone has to admit that you will have to replace the battery at some point when it loses its health and becomes unusable. Apple did keep that in mind and does provide repairing service. But they strongly discourage unauthorized third-party repair.

When people did not listen to Apple, Apple started implementing some active penalties. For example, if you replace the OLED display panel with a third-party service provider, the true color option will no longer function. As for the battery, the phone will not display battery health percentage if the battery is not replaced officially.

You may ask why is Apple doing this? Money? No. The real reason why Apple is doing this is to ensure the safety of the customers and protect their own brand image.

The anti-third-party repair policy for the battery replacement makes sense. Unauthorized battery replacement may make it explode and it can make the brand image of Apple take a downturn. Exploding battery phones are very dangerous for brand image, take Samsung for example.

That is why Apple is implementing such strategies. But Apple did ensure that a third-party battery replacement will not hamper the phone’s overall performance. So that’s good news.

Either way, if you really want to replace your Apple iPhone battery, then go to an authorized Apple repairman. They will replace your battery with an official one. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the battery health percentage. The authorized Apple repairmen have the proper equipment to install a microchip that reads the battery health.

It may cost higher than a third-party service repair, but it is worth the price.

Why do we even bother replacing the battery in the first place? That is to get rid of the degraded one and get back the original battery life we had when we first had the phone. So yes, replacing a battery is necessary at times.


It is true that at some point you have no choice but to replace your battery. We are not telling you to not replace the battery at those moments, rather we are telling you to control your temptation until that moment arises.

Replacing a battery from an official Apple outlet is not cheap. It is pretty expensive. Thus you should minimize the time you replace a battery by controlling your temptation.

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Things You Should do When Your Phone Falls in Water

water damage repair
Given the fact that water is almost everywhere, it’s quite understandable if you drop your phone in the water. As common as the problem isit can still scare you out of your wits, especially for those fearing water damaged iphone. After spending your savings on the dearest possession only to have your money flow in the water (quite literally) is something we all wish to avoid. Here are a few ways to water damage repair the lost soul of your phone if it slips from your hands.

Time to turn it off!

The most common way to get your phone back to life is by turning it off as soon as possible after the accident. Touching the buttons shall not only put pressure on any existing liquid inside your phone, but will further cause water damaged iphone or worse, shock you through the electricity and water. Hence, it’s the best solution to keep it switched off before jumping to other remedies.

As hard as it must be to not check if your device if working or not, you have to resist the temptation for the greater good.

Get rid of the case

After turning it off, it’s time to get rid of any extra accessories or case that your phone is wearing. These accessories may have water trapped in them, which shall flow to your phone’s internal system as time passes. Thus, it’s wise to avoid the trapping of any liquid in the case or other additions of your phone.

Along with the phone case you should get rid of the screen protector as well; it might have water underneath the protector that cannot dry off it it’s not taken off entirely. Following these steps, you’ll be able to wipe the phone clean with any cloth free of lint. The goal here is to absorb all the liquid from your phone without keeping any remnants behind. If you don’t have anything fancy around you, a tee shirt can be of great help.

Liquid-less Ports

Next, the ports need to be dried off. Often, dropping your phone causes water to get inside through the charging and earphone ports. These liquids usually get trapped and cause further water damage in iPhone as most people do not pay heed to these ports. However, it is essential to tilt your phone at different angles to ensure no port has liquids inside it. To go one step further, you can even use a mild hair dryer on the ports to ensure the water has dried off completely; remember the keyword- MILD.

Another thing to avoid during this time is charging or plugging anything into your phone. Not only will this disrupt the internal system of your phone, but it is extremely hazardous. Make sure to maintain all precautions before dealing with your phone- it’s electricity and water we are talking about.

Take the SIM card out

Even drying off the ports might fail to water damage repair your iPhone if liquid is still trapped inside. Taking your SIM card out and leaving the port open increases another ventilation space for your phone to dry off. Moreover, taking your SIM card out ensures that it stays functioning and dries off completely. Be careful while ejecting the SIM card out, as the process can be dangerous. For iPhones, you can use a pin or a paper clip that is straightened out to eject your SIM card.

It’s always a good idea to use protective gloves to avoid any mishaps or electric shocks.

Wait, wait, wait

If you have completed all the aforementioned steps, now is the time to store your phone on a window sill or an open shelf to dry off. Remember to not put it in a box or closed container, as the humidity will not let your device dry off completely. In most cases, you have to wait for one or two days before being able to turn your phone back on. Therefore, resist the temptation to turn the phone on and check- it shall cause further water manage on your iPhone. In addition to these, make sure there is adequate ventilation available for your device to dry.

It’s vital to NOT store your phone under direct sunlight as it can hamper the system rather than reviving it. A cool and dry place is perfect for the steps to be performed.

How can you tell your phone has dried?

This is a common question for people with water damaged iPhones. When can you possibly understand if your phone has dried? Well, there’s no way to confirm if it has dried off completely or not; there might still be dangers of using the phone and it can also stop working three weeks down the line.

The best way to cope with this is to turn on your phone after two whole days of the drying procedure. In most cases, this works as the phone is given plenty of time to dry off. However, it’s better to stay safe than sorry. As soon as your phone turns on, make sure to retrieve a back up of all your information from the device. This ensures that even if it stops working some day in the upcoming weeks, you’ll still have a backup of all your data. It’s wise to keep a backup device ready as well, in case of emergencies.

Rice Method?

Often the online sources will tell you to stick your iPhone in a bowl of rice. Don’t do that.

Refrain from using the rice method as the grains can enter through the ports and break your phone eventually. Moreover, enclosing the iPhone in between uncooked rice will make the drying process go slower. Don’t believe the stories of people who managed iphone water damage repair through the rice method- chances are, they could have done it faster without the rice itself.

Bottom Line

Your phone is arguably your most prized possession and letting it slip into water might cause you immense stress. Use the steps to water damage repairyour phone for the time being, and don’t forget to remain cautious!